вторник, 24 марта 2015 г.

Be healthy! Be happy!

Everybody must do all possible to stay healthy.If you want to live to 100 you should keep the rules of  healthy lifestyle.
                              Our recommendations for your health !
1.Do regular physical exercises;
2.Be outdoor every day;
3.Eat only healthy food;
4.Get enough sleep;
5.Take a cool shower;
6.Clean teeth every morning and every evening;
7.Keep your body clean;
8. Keep your home clean;
9. Take vitamins regulary;
10.Attend various sport clubs;
11.Visit dentist twice a year;
12.Have a complete physical once a year;
13. Have all the required vaccinations;
14.Never smoke,not to take drugs and alcohol;

15.Smile and be glad.
And we wish you:   P1  - to be healthy!
                                 P2  - to be happy!
                                 P3  - to be wealthy!
                                 P4  - to be glad!
                                 P5  - to feel 
                                 P6  - to be wise!

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