вторник, 24 марта 2015 г.

Be healthy! Be happy!

Everybody must do all possible to stay healthy.If you want to live to 100 you should keep the rules of  healthy lifestyle.
                              Our recommendations for your health !
1.Do regular physical exercises;
2.Be outdoor every day;
3.Eat only healthy food;
4.Get enough sleep;
5.Take a cool shower;
6.Clean teeth every morning and every evening;
7.Keep your body clean;
8. Keep your home clean;
9. Take vitamins regulary;
10.Attend various sport clubs;
11.Visit dentist twice a year;
12.Have a complete physical once a year;
13. Have all the required vaccinations;
14.Never smoke,not to take drugs and alcohol;

15.Smile and be glad.
And we wish you:   P1  - to be healthy!
                                 P2  - to be happy!
                                 P3  - to be wealthy!
                                 P4  - to be glad!
                                 P5  - to feel 
                                 P6  - to be wise!

The healthу risks

The health risks of  long term heavy use of  alcohol are great.It is the third greatest cause of death after  cancer and heart diseases. Alcohol also destroys vitamins and has lots of calories.Even small amounts of  alcohol can dangerously affect driving ability. Many,many deaths (25000 a year) in auto accidents occur because drivers think they can drive just as well after drinking alcohol.
It’s the truth about smoking.
1.     Smoking pollutes the air around you and makes your non- smoking friends  avoid you.
2.     It impairs your vision.
3.     It takes breath away and gives emphysema .
4.     It causes lung cancer and cancer of the throat.
5.     It turns teeth and fingers yellow and gives ugly skin.
6.     It wastes your time and empties your pockets.
The world is facing a drugs crisis.There are more young addicts today than ever before.This is a very serious problem. There are three main kinds of drugs-hard,soft and legal.They can all cause addiction, serious illness and even death.This attitude leads to the abuse of all kinds of drugs,which kills thousands of people every year and makes life miserable.Addictts steal money,lose their friends,hurt their families,are cheated by dealers,destroy their health.Thousends of drug- addicts die every year.Some die from drugs and other die from AIDS.

A healthy mind in a healthy body

 Health is better than wealth, the proveb says. When we are healthy we are strong, active and full of energy. We have to take care of our health and do the things that are useful for us.Not all of us realize the importance of sport in our life.But sport is one of the things that keeps people fit. The human body also needs exercises. Walking, running. swimming and playing games are very helpful to make our bodies strong.A person who goes in for sport, can’t be weak and ill.

Health is better then wealth.

 Each of us should know what we are to do to be healthy. Because very often we don’t think too much what food we eat and what water we drink,how much time we spend in the open air,when we go to bed.And we’ll be able to learn about healthy eating,clean living and sport type and to understand how we can destroy ourselves with cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and junk food. You know alcohol, drugs are the sourses of many diseases and are the bad habits.